Andrew Easterling

Web Developer


Eataly Delivers (WIP)

Front End Repo


Front-end: React.js
Back-end: Ruby/Rails

This project seeks to recreate the multi server setup from my Bookshop project in a Rails environment. I'm using two separate Rails servers as the API and the Proxy server. I'm still using react to build out the UI and functionality but I'm ditching bootstrap in favor of styling my own site this time around. I'm giving a greater focus to using styles in this project to give the site a more polished look.

MERN Bookshop

GitHub Repo


Front-end: React.js, Redux, React-Bootstrap
Back-end: MongoDB, Express, Node.js, Mongoose

This is my second app built with React. It's a study, in a sense, for a project I've been planning to build for some months now. I needed to understand how to allow non technical users to add and remove product info from the site so they can sell products without having to contact a website administrator. Using redux I can maintain state for both the cart and the list of books available to potential shoppers. The "bookshop owner" can add books via the admin page. I'm experimenting with a two server setup for this project where I employ a reverse proxy which can handle load balancing and points to my API server which uses Mongoose to model the data to and from my DB. The proxy server also uses server side rendering (isomorphic/universal react) to improve SEO and app loading speed.


Posts About Things

Front End Repo


Back End Repo


Front-end: HTML, SCSS, JavaScript, Ember, Handlebars
Back-end: Ruby/Rails

This project was an exploration into Ember for me. I had recently spent a couple days tinkering with React and wanted to see how Ember compared. The entire experience taught me a lot about the client side model view controller paradigm. I also learned how difficult it can be to style a web app when you don't need pictures. Since the apps ui was all text I decided to read a bit about minimalist web design. What you see here is my 3 hour interpretation of what Material Design told me a web site should look like! I think I nailed the drop shadows, but I think I definitely need to spend more time working on my design chops.

Survey Lemur

FrontEnd Repo


Back End Repo



Survey Lemur (legally distinct from Survey Monkey) was a group project I worked on at GA. As you probably suspect this is a survey generation / survey taking platform. While making the project itself was a great learning experience it was working with a group that taught me the most. I fell into the role of project lead during the three day sprint and ended up learning way more than I thought I would about version control, good commit messages, and the importance of rebasing your code regularly.

Boston Violins

Front End Repo


Back End Repo


Front-end: HTML, SCSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Handlebars
Back-end: Ruby/Rails

This is a rough draft for a website where instrument builders (luthiers) in Boston can offer unique violin family instruments to musicians in the area. During the three day sprint we were given to develop the project I designed and built the ruby/rails server and built a handlebars template to generate a standard layout using data uploaded by the hypothetical luthier.


GitHub Repo


Front-end: HTML, SCSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap
Back-end: Ruby/Rails, jQuery

A classic "first app", I built this in three days after two weeks of learning javascript, HTML/CSS, and learning how to use AJAX to interact with a server. The project was designed to emulate a working environment so I started by writing wireframes and user stories. The logic was written in javascript and user authentication and game state is stored on a rails server. It's possible to look at game history and review each game by id.
